nlike the human being do not only use cat her ears for learning, separating can also very expression strong atmospheres with them may mediate. We can distinguish between five signals.

Ears opened to the front and one executed easily on the side:

This position of the ears of course symbolizes a loose and peaceable atmosphere. A tiger in this situation perhaps listens to interesting ambient noises and/or wants to play.

Ears set up peaked and one turned exact to the front:

This constellation is a non-treacherous sign for raised attention and/or vigilance. The ears are then exactly on object of interest and do not change their position until the situation is clarified. An exception would be a further unknown noise from another direction. It can occur in this case that itself an ear onto new noise further, arranges lastingly the other ear in a fixed manner to the initial object (noise direction) stays – however, there is often a "risk-taking" small look at the side.

nervous jerking the ears:

A secure clue for a cat in excited atmosphere. Next to domesticated cats, this phenomenon occurs relatively rarely, it occurs lastingly next to the tiger and other wildcats often can be looked. Whether it is it is a question of jerking or another charm (maybe a small itch) to be recognized problematic sometimes it perhaps, therefore you should trust not only to the ears you should recognize other signals also into the judgment.

Ears are put on very flatly on the side to the head:

The side putting on of the ears to the head is a sign for a defensive and/or a defense attitude. Obvious omit this position the head something which can be rounded off look and appears primary the protection of the ears before the arms of the opponent (claws, teeth and so forth) to serve. The ears are at all no more to be recognized then in most cases from the beginning.

Ears to the back turned and half of set up:

This is the most unambiguous sign which can let us the tiger come up. It stands for greatest aggression and for an attack following immediately, one should not immediately subject themselves and search for the long. Through that may turn the ear apertures to the back become visible the reverse page of the ears. One can now recognize a little what did not first perhaps strike one: a large wise spot on the reverse page of every ear. Especially next to the tiger which has a very distinct wise spot with a black edge, this is a clear sign of anger and aggressivity. From the position of the ears, this is a compound of defense and excitement, there the tiger the ears only to the back must turn in order to be able to put on completely that. If it should come for in fact an attack, then is the tiger fast able the ears at to place. Basic should bring one for itself fast into safety should be able see from the beginning one at the sight a tiger the two wise spots on the reverse page the ears. One must would should but still find mention: This ear signal is always from other threatening gestures as vehement one "roaring" , accompanied, can but occur all of a sudden next to a surprised tiger. Therefore, one should make clearly themselves noticeable if one approaches a tiger from the „blind angle" even if the tiger knows one and the first reflex is mostly familiarly certain through reflexes (paw stroke or rapid biting).

The white spots on every ear reverse side are also mentioned eyespots. This denotation associates narrowly with the presumed function of this. It would also be senseless to decrease that these spots are only decoration. If you look a tiger from the back onto the head you can see these spots. These spots look like eyes for an assailant - as would the tiger observe the assailant. Under these circumstances, no other tiger or another carnivore would attack, because he must assume that the tiger sees him. From time to time these eyespots, preclude an attack on the tiger from ambush.

Also some natural nations from India and above all from the Sundarbans, use this trick by itself. They put on themselves shadow masks with painted eyes, to pretence the tiger, that lurks in ambush, that he was observed (above all man-eaters). The tiger knows, that a fortune at hunt is mostly crowned by success, if he can creep up on close to booty without being noticed ones. There the tiger through this eye shadow mask that the people bear of course on the back of the head (*g*), thinks to be observed, he do not attack in most cases. A tiger is not stupid of course and sometimes if they are not shy they observe humans, and can see through this trick. The man-eaters however, appear the human being as robbers, because they do hardly ever attack people cased like this and are more cautious, during other tigers striking more often. These other tigers mostly only defend themselves and do not eat the human being.

With every signals ought one however, always to unambiguity pay attention. In some situations, as with the levels, in such a way, can occur it one as would be a the tiger showing the two spots on the ear reverse pages, around aggression at to announce however if one sees precisely there are itself the ears in honor at the side of position turned away and arranged not exact to the observer (only this would be a secure indication for aggression). Without previous provocation, one would never be attacked by a tiger also. Hungry tigers and/or man-eaters are certainly very much exception.

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© 2002 by Marc "Shir Khan" Meiner