any of the signals which a tiger can provide with his eyes, can one also observe next to our house cats. Something that each may be is natural with the form of the irides. While one sees next to the less cats often that the pupil constricts itself to a normal slit, can not observe one this next to the large cats – they always have round pupils. In addition to the normal reasons of modification of the pupil, as bright Dunkel-alternation, one can also recognize modifications of the pupils at a great number of other occasions, although this the most human being no doubt honor not would be would not refer explicitly one she on it.

If a tiger observes an object, regardless whether a human being or only a tree simple, includes influence on the size of the pupils direct the distance of this object. The closer an object is, the pupil must be closed the more narrowly. However, this circumstance should not further amaze us yet one should consider such influences, if one in a attempted manner atmosphere the tiger at his eyes off read.

The atmosphere by means of the eyes is be judged a particular terránt, since the identical reflexes can have different atmosphere. In such a way, the pupils of the tiger become large and round if he sees something alarming but he should also glimpse something pleasant (maybe tasty food/feed). Therefore, it lets themselves through enlarging of the pupils, without considering be a far one, object or brightness variations, only say, that excited the tigers is – not whether it is a question of a positive or negative atmosphere situation. Therefore, defensive actions speak far from open pupils for great acceptance and more.

Narrow, small pupils are then in the contrast for this for contrary feelings. Reduced pupils often show domination, attack readiness (only readiness) and that be from fear at. The tiger want to signal that he it is to be fought readily if it must be. However, this is not the only attitude in which for a tiger can strike. Described as above are opened the eyes long ought the tiger be afraid or be in panic. One can in fact sometimes recognize how the pupils narrowed strongly open themselves all of a sudden in the moment of attack very far. However, you ought not necessarily wait for this sign.

One but another a further aspect enter the appraisal let, the eye songs. If somebody which the tiger does not trust should be, one will be able to only see very rarely a song stroke. If one can observe therefore long pupils and almost no song stroke, this speaks for aggressive atmosphere, lastingly long pupils in the case of frequent song stroke honor for positive atmospheres may stand. By means of the different pupil states and song stroke frequencies, finding out persons can the atmosphere situation of course more precisely, as a coarse estimate, determine.

Half of closed eye songs with averages opened pupils are in most cases a secure sign for total expansion and the consumption of full confidence in goodwill of the person present (or all persons present). Would should the tiger with the approximation which eyes completely close want to appease he – so to say, that one was not possibly meant in a occurred manner before actual action angrily. However, this is also a ritual sign after a fight for capitulation and the recognition of superiority of the stipulator.

It however, also adds quite comparable experiments the tiger atmosphere the vis-a-vis by means of the eyes off may read through. It can come here easily to misunderstandings (with the human being) since the eye languages show some interesting differences. If you search for more information about these misunderstandings, you see "misunderstandings into the category and what one may know should ....". For you immediately can of course me direct demands a send email:

© 2002 by Marc "Shir Khan" Meiner