t adds some behavior next to tigers that occurring strange us a little. One can indeed mostly observe these behavior also next to house cats but they mostly appear even more suspicious us next to a tiger. It gives up phenomena such numerous ones yet am only I unite dealing.

Somebody perhaps already observed that a tiger is before an object and moved his head rhythmic of one to the other page. It might be set up whether is a fellow, a booty animal or a human being this object here once there. This behavior indicates on it that the tiger immediately in front of it queues up to activate the appropriate object. However, this is no random behavior but has an interesting purpose. That comes about for no reason nothing in nature ought one always lead itself on eyes. If you fix an object and then move your head back and forth uniformly and not too fast on the side, you will find that the appropriate object is with you the more closely the more displace for itself this object while varying the head. This head vary therefore, serve the inspection of the appraisal of the distance. One finds such behavior that next to carnivores very often biokular see as the tiger also cares for this just now. Therefore, it is a phenomenon be explained relatively simply from the viewpoint of optics but it stuff yet of the enormous specialization of the tiger as robbers. However, it is caught to designate hostile such a behavior as basic something too briefly. One should always pay attention to the context because this behavior can also be observed while the friendly playing. Against other the narrow-mindedness is it a difference whether a a tiger growlingly and hissingly off help out or whether it comes about playfully while romping about.

A behavior which otherwise one only knows of house cats is bringing caught booty to the purchase person. Precisely the same phenomenon was observed by private "fasteners" of a tiger. In such a way, a case is confessed me, with the a tiger its "fastener" (I shy in fact before this word back) it brought a caught for game appearance. Since one can not see relatively such behavior very often through so rare constellations, I am not able to hit a general statement. However, I draw conclusions by means of behavior of the house cats. Next to cats which exist in budgets (or tigers), it is not to be observed normally that the human "fastener" onto the hunt walks around food to catch The cat looks this day a day and in terms of a certain time and at certain periods, the cat then brings a caught booty for her "human being", there the human being not able according to the judgement of the cat presumably is to be coursed. Next to a tiger, one would be able to say that he is obtained. In the context of the natural selection, derjenige which can not course can survive - at least next to tigers. If one has a such behavior next to a tiger, one can be sure of itself, that the tiger one no doubt, it is plotted and would like to receive that "one" for it remains.

Next to "normal" cats and also tigers, one can see it again and again that they itself always at the deliver acquire that straight your favorite places are. This read itself however, explain relatively simply. If you a tie to a cat (regardless whether tiger or not) have built up, the cat will then attempt to also put a physical sign of relation. This mostly comes about via odour. Both rubbing the flanks and the head should serve to this odour to mix and to create so a family odour You being gladly found in places on which also adheres your odour especially good. Just this furnishes your tiger to also go to this gladly there, in order to sharpen the claws for example. In such a way, it can happen that the favorite armchair becomes the scraping tree fast - just next to tigers, this does not support the state of the "scraping armchair". But it is not meant angrily may separate honor a sign of affection. Who can not warm to this sign, that must proceed skillfully either or should gladly refuse to a room tiger or tiger.

If you still have questions on this subject or a proposition for a further topic then elegant me simple an email and/or see into the chapter "misunderstandings and what we should know...":

© 2001 by Marc "Shir Khan" Meiner